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The Physical Symptoms of Anxiety You Shouldn’t Ignore


In the fast-paced lifestyle of the UAE, anxiety disorders affect a significant portion of the population, with 1 in 5 individuals (20%) experiencing its impact*. However, this figure might be even higher if more people were able to identify the symptoms of anxiety.

While most of us are familiar with the typical feelings of worry and dread that anxiety can evoke, there are many other lesser-known physical symptoms that can manifest in our bodies. Recognizing and addressing these signs is essential for effectively managing anxiety and improving overall well-being.

  1. The Power of the Gut-Brain Connection:

One common physical manifestation of anxiety is digestive issues. The gut-brain connection is a powerful relationship, and symptoms like nausea, bloating, gas, constipation, loss of appetite, and stomach cramps can all be signs of anxiety. In some cases, anxiety can even lead to the development of ulcers and acid reflux.

  1. Tense Muscles:

Muscle tension is another physical response to anxiety. The body can tense up in response to hypervigilance, as it enters a flight or fight mode triggered by anxious thoughts.

  1. Shortness of Breath and Rapid Heart Rate:

Anxiety can also manifest in symptoms such as shortness of breath and a rapid heart rate. Since the heart and lungs work together, any disturbance in one can affect the other. A sudden rise in heart rate due to anxiety can reduce oxygen intake, causing the lungs to work harder. It’s important to note that persistent or severe symptoms like chest pains require immediate medical attention.

  1. Sleep Troubles:

The relationship between anxiety and sleep can be cyclical. Excessive worry or nervousness can make falling asleep difficult, and these thoughts may disrupt your ability to stay asleep. The resulting sleepless nights can further exacerbate anxiety, leading to a cycle of anxiety and insomnia.

  1. Chronic Fatigue and Frequent Illness:

Anxiety can be draining on the body, leading to daytime fatigue even when sleep is not an issue. The stress hormones released during heightened anxiety can leave your body in a heightened state of arousal, depleting your energy levels. Additionally, the immune system, mostly housed in the gut, can suffer if chronic anxiety persists.

Your body is always communicating with you through various signals. Paying attention to these physical manifestations can help you recognize the presence of anxiety and take appropriate action to address it.

Working with healthcare professionals who understand both the mental and physical signs of anxiety is crucial. They can help you determine the best path to manage anxiety effectively, which may involve seeking support from mental health professionals.

If you are struggling with anxiety and seeking help, don’t hesitate to contact our psychologist, Dr. Valeria Risoli. Our team is here to provide the support and guidance you need to manage anxiety and improve your overall well-being.

Remember, seeking help is a sign of strength, and you don’t have to face anxiety alone. Let’s work together to build a healthier and happier future for you.

According to a report by Effective Altruism at NYU Abu Dhabi, which compiles data from WHO and the 2019 GBD Report

*According to a report by Effective Altruism at NYU Abu Dhabi, which compiles data from WHO and the 2019 GBD Report

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